Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Starbucks "Sick Tea" secret menu recipe remake

Tis the season for cold and flu season! I stumbled upon Starbucks secret menus "sick tea" during a conversation about cold remedies during a group discussion at my Crossfit gym. One of my friends at the gym was suffering from a nasty cough and said he was drinking Starbucks "sick tea" to feel better.

A few weeks I was feeling a bit run down so I decided to give it a try my self. Went through Starbucks drive through and ordered a grande "sick tea". When I got to the window to pay I asked what ingredients were used to make "sick tea". It sounded pretty simple. I ended up ordering a few more of this "sick teas" through out that week. It has now turned into my favorite tea combinations to drink even when I'm feeling well. I tend to drink this at night when I want to relax because it is caffeine free. 

I realized I was paying a lot of money for a drink I could easily make my self so I decided to search for Starbucks sick tea on Pinterest and came across the secret menu recipe. 

You can find the pin I used to replicate Starbucks "sick tea" on my Pinterest profile under my Crafting Crossfit Mom Blog pin board:


Here is my Starbucks secret menu "sick tea" recreation 

1 large coffee mug ( it's about the size of a grande coffee or tea from Starbucks)

I found my coffee mug at target. I wanted a nice large mug to make my sick tea at home.
First I fill 2/3 of my mug up with fresh water. Then I add lemonade until the mug is full. (Left picture is the mug with fresh water/right picture shows the mug when the lemonade has been added)
Next I out the mug into the microwave for two minutes and thirty seconds. Once the water and lemonade is done heating. I add about 2 teaspoons of honey to the mug and stir it around (that's just a guess, I usually just squeeze a little honey into the mug, I've never actually measured it). Once the honey has dissolved into the hot water and lemonade mixture I add the calm and refresh tea bag into the water and lemonade mixture and let it sit for a few minutes and then it's ready to be enjoyed!!!